# Messages used by pdTree v1 and FreeDOS tree 3.6 # Each line is limited to 159 characters unless MAXLINE is changed, # but if possible should be limited to 79 per line, with a \n # added to indicate go to next line, max 2 lines. # The messages are split into sets, # where each set corresponds to a given function in pdTree. # Set 1, is for main and common strings. # Many of the strings are used directly by printf, # so when a %? appears, be sure any changes also include the %? # where ? is a variable identifier and format. # Note: only \\, \n, \r, \t are supported (and a single slash must use \\). # # common to many functions [Set 1] 1.1:\n # main [Set 1] 1.2:Listage du chemin (PATH) du répertoire\n # Must include %s for label 1.3:Listage du chemin (PATH) pour le volume %s\n # Must include %s for serial # 1.4:Le numéro de série du volume est %s\n 1.5:Aucun sous répertoire n'existe\n\n # showUsage [Set 2] 2.1:Affiche le graphique la structure de dossiers d'un lecteur ou d'un chemin.\n # Each %c below will be replaced with proper switch/option 2.2:TREE [lecteur:][chemin] [%c%c] [%c%c]\n 2.3: %c%c Afficher les noms des fichiers dans chaque répertoire.\n 2.4: %c%c Utiliser l'ASCII au lieu des caractères étendus.\n # showInvalidUsage [Set 3] # Must include the %s for option given. 3.1:Commutateur invalide - %s\n # The %c will be replaced with the primary switch (default is /) 3.2:Utilisez TREE %c? pour des informations sur l'utilisation.\n #showTooManyOptions 3.3:Trop de paramètres - %s\n # showVersionInfo [Set 4] # also uses treeDescription, message 2.1 4.1:Écrit pour fonctionner avec FreeDOS\n 4.2:Prise en charge de la console Win32(c) et de DOS avec le support LFN.\n # Must include the %s for version string. 4.3:Version %s\n 4.4:Écrit par : Kenneth J. Davis\n 4.5:Date : Août/Septembre/Octobre/Novembre, 2000; Janvier, 2001\n 4.6:Contact : jeremyd@computer.org\n 4.7:Droit d'auteur (c): domaine public [Définition des États-Unis]\n #4.8 is only used when cats support is compiled in. 4.8:Utilise la bibliothèque Cats de Jim Hall's \n Droit d'auteur (C) 1999,2000,2001 Jim Hall\n #4.20 20-30 reserved for FreeDOS tree derived from Dave Dunfield's tree #4.20:Copyright 1995 Dave Dunfield - Freely distributable.\n 4.20:Copyright 1995, 2000 Dave Dunfield - redistribuable (2000 publié sous GPL)\n # showInvalidDrive [Set 5] 5.1:Spécification de lecteur invalide\n # showInvalidPath [Set 6] # Must include %s for the invalid path given. 6.1:Chemin invalide - %s\n # misc error conditions [Set 7] # showBufferOverrun # %u required to show what the buffer's current size is. 7.1:Erreur : le chemin spécifié dépasse le tampon maximal = %u octets\n # showOutOfMemory # %s required to display what directory we were processing when ran out of memory. 7.2:Dépassement de mémoire dans le sous répertoire : %s\n # # parseArguments [Set 8] contains the Character[s] used for # argument processing. Only the 1st character on a line is used. # Each argument is listed twice, the first is the uppercase version, # with the next entry being the lowercase version. # Primary character used to determine option follows, default is '-' 8.1:/ # Secondary character used to determine option follows, default is '/' 8.2:- # Indicates should show files 8.3:F 8.4:f # Use ASCII only 8.5:A 8.6:a # Show Version information 8.7:V 8.8:v # DOS only version, Shortnames only (disable LFN support) 8.9:S 8.10:s