#### This file is part of the FreeDOS HTML Help Viewer #### and is licensed under its terms. # Program Usage Screen Strings 1.0:FreeDOS HTML Help Viewer 1.1:Basic Options 1.2:Show help on this topic 1.3:Displays this help message 1.4:Force monochrome display 1.5:Use fancy colour scheme 1.6:Uses ASCII instead of extended characters 1.7:Tell HELP the codepage is nnn, rather than let detect 1.8:Advanced Options 1.9:Overrides the help path 1.10:if no file is specified, index.htm is assumed 1.11:Loads a file other than index.htm relative to the help path 1.12:When the user presses F1 or clicks on "help on help" 1.13:help will load this file. Default is help.htm 1.14:Environment Variables 1.15:Directory that contains your help files 1.16:Put /M, /A, F1, F2 here to make them default #Error Message Strings 2.0:Could not allocate memory 2.1:Invalid Argument 2.2:Please specify only one topic 2.3:Cannot use /f with /m 2.4:Type "HELP /?" for usage. 2.5:No exact match for topic found 2.6:Could not find topic 2.7:Internal Error: Resize Fail 2.8:Could not read the compressed file 2.9:Couldn't Open 2.10:Zip file empty or corrupt 2.11:Could not find this file. Loading first html file in zipfile 2.12:Could not find html file in zip file 2.13:Please specify a valid codepage 2.14:Specified codepage not supported 2.15:Supported codepages are #Menu Strings #### HTML Help will truncate strings 3.0 and 3.1 #### if they exceed 14 characters. 3.0:Exit 3.1:Help on Help #### HTML Help will truncate strings 3.2-3.5 #### if they exceed 10 characters. 3.2:Back 3.3:Forward 3.4:Contents 3.5:Search #Button Label Strings #### HTML Help will truncate strings 4.0-4.2 #### if they exceed 8 characters. 4.0:OK 4.1:Cancel 4.2:Help #Status Bar Strings 5.0:Looking for topic... 5.1:Full search in progress... 5.2:(PRESS ESC TO ABORT)... #Search Box Strings #### HTML Help will truncate strings: #### 6.0 if it exceeds 35 characters; #### 6.1 if it exceeds 20 characters; #### 6.2-6.5 if they exceed 28 characters; #### 6.6-6.13 if they exceed 35 characters. 6.0:Search Help 6.1:Text to Find: 6.2:case sensitive 6.3:whole word only 6.4:full search 6.5:on this page #Help on Search: 6.6:What it Does #Lines 6.7-6.9 describe "Search": 6.7:full search: 6.8:Looks through all files 6.9:listed on the contents page. #Line 6.10 can be used if you need more room. 6.11:on this page: 6.12:Looks in the open document 6.13:only. #Search Results Strings 7.0:Search Results 7.1:Searched all files listed on contents page # The following line, 7.2, is used as "Searched [FILENAME]" 7.2:Searched # The following line, 7.3, is used as "for: [TEXT]" 7.3:for 7.4:,Sorry, can't search the search results. 7.5:USER ABORTED (pressed escape) 7.6:No results found